Sunday, November 30, 2008

I just saw the best wedding cake ever!


Ok so it ain't a viable option, but seriously the best wedding cake ever was just on TV. It was in the new McDonald's commercial and made from Chicken McNuggets. You know how bad ass that would be. Just stick some fondant over it and bam!; you got savory and sweet! I was trying to find a picture of it, but I can't seem to find one. Someone has got to get me one. I bet all those stupid chicken mcnuggets would cost a bundle to build like a 4 tier cake complete with frosting to hold it together. I bet if I did that, I would get McDonald's to pay for it and supply everyone with some Lipitor because they are going to need it.

Why can't someone just endulge me and build that for me. I'll invite you to the wedding!

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