Over at Broke Ass Bride, she talks about the best idea ever! Bridesharing! What is it? It is a way to save phatty bux on your wedding. Essentially, chicks get together, talk about a possible style of decor for the wedding and then one bride has their wedding and then the other bride gets the stuff after. AWESOME! Can you imagine, half the cost, shoot get like 15 brides and you got 1/15 the cost! Money saving baby!
DIY Cards
8 years ago
Isn't it a brilliant idea? I created this blog for any and all brides to post their "bridesharing" ideas or want ads... http://brideshare.blogspot.com/ I don't know if it will take off, but i think its worth trying to help us all save a buck or two!
I want to hear your fiance's opinion on this.
fiance here. i think bridesharing's a great idea. as far as the "best idea ever" - i donno about that :) heheh but it'd be great to get things such as vases or candle holders from other brides. 50% off seems like quite a bargain in the wedding world!
I'm glad you like it! Stay tuned for an exciting announcement, coming soon to a website near you :)
Actually Brides do already do that on weddingbee and craigslist but I love that idea. I actually shared my wedding parasols with another bride in San Diego who had her wedding in Napa. We originally had 3 other brides in on the exchange and the cancelled last minute. Anyhow, we split the cost of the parasols 2 ways. She paid for it and I bought it for 50% off. I'm also going to resell my inventory of vases, and candels to my cousin who's getting married in March. I think the website is a great idea and there would be tons of brides interested. Advertise it on WeddingBee
Well, it may have been a while but we finally launched! http://brideshare.net is up and running - go get you a buddy!
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